
2014年4月8日—WeAreOne(OleOla)[TheOfficial2014FIFAWorldCupSong]-歌詞-Putyourflagsupinthesky(puttheminthesky)Andwavethemsideto ...,,WeAreOne(OleOla)isasongrecordedbyCuban-AmericanrapperPitbullforOneLove,OneRhythm–The2014FIFAWorldCupOfficialAlbum(2014).

We Are One (Ole Ola) [The Official 2014 FIFA World Cup ...

2014年4月8日 — We Are One (Ole Ola) [The Official 2014 FIFA World Cup Song]-歌詞- Put your flags up in the sky (put them in the sky) And wave them side to ...

We Are One (Ole Ola)

We Are One (Ole Ola) is a song recorded by Cuban-American rapper Pitbull for One Love, One Rhythm – The 2014 FIFA World Cup Official Album (2014).